Monday, April 14, 2014

“The society sometimes is compared to a human living body, that has interrelated parts and change to any part causes change to the whole system through using social institution; Family, Religion, Education, Government and politics, and Economic". Discuss

Structural functionalism drowned from the work of Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer, and Emile Durkheim and later developed by Talcott Person, A.R. Radcliffe-Brown, and Kingsley Davis. Structural functionalism focus on society particularly its major institutions such as the family, religion, the economy, the state (government) and education, (Hughes, M., & Kroehler, J. C., 2009:18). Society sometime is compared to a living body that its parts interrelated and the change to any part cause change to the whole system, with change and adaption being a continuous process, some parts may change more rapidly than others, contributing to social dislocations, (Ibid).

One of the features of a system stressed by functionalists is tendency towards equilibrium or balance among its parts. Structural Functionalism is a broad perspective in sociology and anthropology which interprets society as structure with interrelated parts, (Subedi, 2006). Functionalism addresses the society as a whole in terms of function of its constituent elements such as norms, customs, traditions, and institutions ( Functionalism developed slowly over time with the help of many sociologists in different parts of the world.

Definition of the key terms
Society refers to the group of people living in an area (boundaries) under a leader and engages in different economic activities, (Hermann, 1977).

Society can be defined as the group of people related to each other through persistence relations, or a large social grouping sharing the same geographical or virtual territories, subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectation.

A system is composed of regularly interacting and interrelating group of activities, (Subedi, 2006).

Rapoport, A., (1966, 1968), A system is a set of interrelated entities connected by behavior and history.

Functionalist Theory claims that society is in a state of balance and kept that way through the function of society's component parts, ( 

Structural functionalism is the theory describing society and identifying its structural parts and functions of those parts at a particular point of time whereby view society as an organism body that have  tendency toward equilibrium, or balance, (Hughes, M., & Kroehler, J. C., 2009).  

Structural functionalism is the theory basing on large scale in social systems, subsystems, relationship among subsystem and system, equilibrium, and orderly change, (Ritzer, G., & Goodman, J. D., 2004).   

Generally, Structural Functionalism is a sociological theory that attempts to explain why society functions the way it does by focusing on the relationships between the various social institutions that makes up society (for example, Family, government and law, education, and religion).

The following are the argument of the statement that “The society sometimes is compared to a human living body, that has interrelated parts and change to any part causes change to the whole system through using social institution; Family, Religion, Education, Government and politics, and Economic as follow:-

Family, Family is one of major institution whereby playing a greater role of producing off-spring, and socializes them to be a good member of society who will going to work in other institution such as Religion, Education, Government and politics, and economic system. The function of family provide positive result or negative results to other social institution and may led to existed of social problem. When family institution change its role as a major institution either through reducing number of children birth by encouraging homosexual it means reproductive system will collapse and socialization of children will no longer exist as a result other institution like Religious will fail to get pastors, and lack followers, in government and economic will not get expertise. For example country like Germany has large number of people from 55 years old and above than youths as a result country lost expertise. Due to that it prove the statement says the society sometimes is compared to a human living body, that has interrelated parts and change to any part causes change to the whole system.

Religions, The role of religion institution are to maintain social order, peace, harmony and stability and create sense of belongingness within the society. If religious institution will work properly it means within the society will be in stability and that condition influence the development of other institution including government whereby the stability of the national will help economist to operate their business and growth of economy and for the government will provide services to its people without interferences from religious opposing group. But if the function will change it means instability within the society will happens hence other institution will fail to accomplish their role. For example within the family production will no longer exist, in economic will also collapse because there is no trade where war is taking place, government will spend a lot of money to solve the problem as a result education services provision will occur. For example in Rwanda religion influenced in one way the war between Tutsi and Hutu as a result interred in war among them that’s why I argue the statement that, the society sometimes is compared to a human living body, that has interrelated parts and change to any part causes change to the whole system.  

Education, The main role of education is that; act as second agent of socialization, provide training and skills to the member of the society including members of the family with the expectation of creating workers who will participate and work on government, and to build good citizens of the nation. But when the function of education change in one way or another it cause disruption or change to other system. For example if education system will fail to train people properly it means it will produce kind of people who have no function to other institution like economy and government will lack expertise, religion will lack pastors, and in family will have no proper family planning and socialization hence crime within the society will be high within the society that’s why I argue the statement that, the society sometimes is compared to a human living body, that has interrelated parts and change to any part causes change to the whole system.

Economic, The function of economic institution is dealing with production for goods and services, and searching for markets as well as to manage the GDP and GNP. These help other institution to stand in equilibrium if economic institution will be stable. When economic institution change in term of reducing production of services and goods it influence the change of other system which is interrelated parts including family will experience hardship on accessing basic needs, government will fail to provide social services to its people, and religious will lack members who will be the follower but due to economic hardship people will be interesting much on solving the problem of economy that’s why I argue the statement that, the society sometimes is compared to a human living body, that has interrelated parts and change to any part causes change to the whole system.

Government and politics, the government institution through its three branches; Legislative, Executive and judicially depend each other on its operation whereby the Legislative make the Law, Judicially interpret the Law, and Executive implement the Law. But the change of one part it cause change of whole system. For example if one of these branches will fail to fulfill their duties, it may cause hindering in other parts. For instance if the function of judicially will prove failure it means in the society will increase the number of evils hence danger the function of other institution like family, education, economic, even the government. So, due to this it prove that the society sometimes is compared to a human living body, that has interrelated parts and change to any part causes change to the whole system.

Therefore, these institution depend each other in term of function, for example family produce member of the society and socialize children to be a good member of the society, where education train member of the family specifically children who will be useful as Pastors and Sheikhs in religion, expertise in economics and who will work for the government. Therefore, these support the argument above on how the change of one system makes changes in whole systems.

Hermann Strasser, (1977), Functionalism and Social Change, Vienna: Vienna Institute Publisher.
Hughes, M. & Kroehler, J. C., (2009), Sociology The Core,  9th Edition, New York: Mc Graw 
           Hill Publisher
Rapoport, A. ( I 966). Some system approaches úo political theory In D. Easton (Ed.),
           Englewood Cliffs, Prentic€ Hall.
Ritzer, G., & Goodman, J. D., (2004), Sociological Theory, 6th Ed, New York, Mc Graw Hill.
Retrieved on 12 December 2013 from:
Retrieved on 12 December 2013 from:
Subedi, (2006), Structural Functional Perspective in Sociology, New York: Mc Graw Hill   

Written By AUSI CHIWAMBO (2014)-Teofilo Kisanji University

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