Monday, April 14, 2014

The suitable interventions to Dysfunctional and antisocial people who are theft, bullied, mental retard and liar

Some of the behaviors within the community we live such as theft, bullying, and lying is learned through observation, and social interaction within the family or/ and outsider. Also, the these problem of dysfunctional and antisocial people who are theft, bullied, mental retard, and liar are addressed through the following theories; Social Learning theory, Social Cognitive theory, a theory of dual diagnosis in mental retardation and  Child Theory of Mind.   

Definition of the Key Terms
Dysfunctional refers to the abnormal or impaired functioning, especially of a bodily system or social group.

Dysfunctional refers to displaying abnormal or impaired functioning, element of a plan, strategy, or system, that fails to perform as expected and disrupts or threatens to disrupt some or all of the other elements.

Antisocial is a term used to describe people exhibiting any sort of behavior in which the intent is to violate the rights of others and otherwise going against society. Examples include murder, bullying, robbery, conning, and rape.

Antisocial means shunning the society of others; not sociable, or hostile to or disruptive of the established social order; marked by or engaging in behavior that violates accepted mores: gangs engaging in vandalism and other antisocial behavior.

The following are kind of theories which are going to address; theft, bullied, mental retard, and liar behavior (problem) living in our neighborhood:-

The Social Learning Theory, This theory, first introduced by Bandura in 1971 explains that individuals learn behaviors from one another through observation, imitation, and modeling. Social learning theorist’s belief that people are shaped in fundamental ways by their environment through learning processes (Sammons, 1973). Uniquely, the social learning theory explains how behaviors are learned in the context of reciprocal determinism, or the interaction between observed behaviors, cognitive factors, and external environments (Bandura, 1971). “Theft behavior” is influenced through learning and interaction with other people in the community.  These interactions affect self-efficacy by either encouraging or discouraging the performance of a particular behavior. Generally, in connection to Social learning theory people can be discouraged to lean from antisocial groups such as theft, bullied, and liar people.    

Social cognitive theory (SCT) refers to a psychological model of behavior that emerged primarily from the work of Albert Bandura (1977; 1986), explains how people acquire and maintain certain behavioral patterns, while also providing the basis for intervention strategies (Bandura, 1997). Initially developed with an emphasis on the acquisition of social behaviors, Theory continues to emphasize that learning occurs in a social context and that much of what is learned is gain through observation. “Bullied behavior” is influenced through observation whereby people learn what others act and do. The social cognitive theory Evaluating behavioral change depends on the factors environment, people and behavior (Pajares, 1996; Schunk & Zimmerman, 1994; 1998). Generally in connection to social cognitive theory people can avoid act of bullying behavior by being learned through observation and maintaining of good behavior.

A theory of dual diagnosis in mental retardation is the theory explaining the co-occurrence of mental health disorders with mental retardation (Matson, 1994).  Dual diagnosis is the condition of suffering from a mental illness and a comorbid substance abuse problem. Dual diagnosis refers to diagnoses in one person and is most commonly used in relation to the concurrence of a psychiatric disorder along with substance abuse (Fellin, 1996). The term also can be used to describe the coexistence of an intellectual disability and a diagnosis of mental illness (Graziano, 2002). Therefore, in relation to Dual diagnosis in mental retardation help expertise on treating mental disorders.  

Child Theory of Mind, Lying is a cognitive signal that people understand what others are thinking,  the ability to control one's own mental skills.  As children grow older, their lying becomes more sophisticated and takes on the characteristics of their respective cultures, revealing to psychologists rich cognitive properties underneath the deceptively common practice. Children's early attempts to lie are laughably inept, but researchers are learning a lot about their transition into lying experts (Michael Price, 2008). Children first begin lying verbally around age 3, the time when language development and the ability to control one's own mental skills combine to form a child's theory of mind. Also at this age, children have learned their parents' rules and the consequences of breaking them. "Lying is really a good example of cost/benefit analysis," Lee says "Everybody lies, you lie, I lie, but we have to figure out when to lie and when not to”. In connection to child theory of mind with “Liar behavior”, it shows that, the behavior of child needs to be controlled since socialization is taking place.  

The following are the suitable interventions to Dysfunctional and antisocial people who are theft, bullied, mental retard and liar;-
The intervention to Dysfunctional and antisocial people who are theft, bullied, mental retard and liar within the society is in various ways as follow:-

There should be existence of Re-socialization within the community, Re-socialization help to change the behavior of the people in the society, for example theft people can be sent to prison and Approved school where they can be re-socialized and become good members of the society. 

Increase of special centers for mental retard people, the government should ensure the availability of mental retard centers like Hospital and Mental clinic for purpose of taking care and treating them so as to be as a normal people within the community. For example, Milembe Hospital in Dodoma which is the special center for mental retard should have many branches whole over the country with enough expertise so as to simplify provision of services from household.   

Strong punishment should be provided to Bullied, liar, and thief, the government and the community in general from the household they should provide strong punishment like jailed, fining, stroked, and fired those people who are committing theft, bullied, and liar as a lessons to others.

Provision of loans and entrepreneurship skills to the people, entrepreneurship skills help the member of the society to involve in different economic activities which resulting to reduce the illegal behaviors inluding liar, bullied, and theft in the society.

Generally, dysfunctional and antisocial people within the society are inevitable therefore government and the community in general should make a good relationship by cooperating together so as to control or reduce deviant behaviors related to theft, bullied, mental retard and liar problem hence to increase productivity in the society especially when these people change their behaviors enough to them to engage in various entrepreneurship activities which could help them to achieve easy development from family level to national level.


Aidan Sammons, 1973, Approaches to Psychology; Social Learning Theory, Mc Graw hill
Bandura, A. (1977). Social learning theory, Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.
Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action: A social-cognitive theory,
             Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.
Fellin, P. (1996). Mental health and mental illness, Policies, programs, and services, Belmont, 
             CA-Cole publisher
Graziano, A. M. (2002). Developmental disabilities, Introduction to a diverse field, Boston:
                Allyn and Bacon
Johnny, L., & Sevin, J. A. (1994), Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Vol 62(1),Mc 
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Pajares, F., (1996), Self–efficacy beliefs in academic settings, Review of Educational Research,
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Retrieved on 07-01-2014 from:
Schunk, D., & Zimmerman, B., (Eds.), (1994), Self-regulation of learning and performance:

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