Monday, December 31, 2012

QN. What are the problem of Bureaucracy?


QUESTION: What are the problem of Bureaucracy?
.Background of bureaucracy
.Definition of bureaucracy
.Characteristics of bureaucracy
.Factors contributing to the development of Bureaucracy

.problem manifested by bureaucracy


The earliest idea of “bureaucracy” was introduced by the economist Vincent De Gournay (Shankar Rao, 2006). The word Bureaucracy is derived from the word “Bureau” used from the eighteenth century in Western Europe to refer not only to a writing desk, but to an office, or workplace, where officials worked.
The word “bureau” derived from French words which is “Baize” means to cover desk, and a government which is run from table. Also, the word derived from Greek suffix “Kratia” or “Krotos” means “power” or “rule”. Literally the word bureaucracy means power or office rule, the rule of the officialdom. (Burdock, 3rd April 2008).
The word is used shortly before the French revolution of 1789, and from their spread rapidly to other countries. The word speeded much in French by Fredrich Melchior, Baron Von Grimm and Jean Claude Marrie and Vincent De Gourney from July, 01, 1764 where introduced idea of regulation.
Other scholar who develop idea of bureaucracy are Fredrick Taylor (1856-1915), Henry Fayol (1841-1925), Elton Mayo (1880-1949), and later Scholars such as Herbert Simon (1916-2001), and Dwight Waldo (1913-2000).
The German sociologist, politician, economist, and administrative Max Weber (1864-1920), was one who developed the concept of “Bureaucracy” and called him a further of bureaucracy. He succeeded to show the meaning of bureaucracy, characteristics, factors, and the main problem as show by Shankar Rao (2006).
Therefore, the following are the definition of bureaucracy:-
Max Weber defined bureaucracy as a type of hierarchical organization which is designed rationally to co-ordinate the work of individuals in pursuit of large scale administrative tasks. Weber added that, bureaucracy are organized according to rational principles, official ranked in a hierarchical orders and operations are characterized by impersonal rules (shankar Rao, 2006).
Also, Max Weber (1947:339), defined bureaucracy refers to a system of control based on rational rules, with the goal of archiving efficiency.
Schaefer, R. T. (2008), define Bureaucracy is the component of formal organization that uses rules and hierarchical ranking to achieve efficiency.
Hughes and Kroehler (2008), believed that, bureaucracy refers to social structure made up of a hierarch of statuses and roles that is prescribed by explicit rules and procedures and based on division of function and authority.
Macionis, J. J. and Plummer, K. (2008), defined bureaucracy is an organizational model rationally designed to perform complex tasks efficiently. In bureaucratic deliberately enact and revise policy to make the organization as efficient as possible.
Brondon Herris (Editor, October 2011), bureaucracy is an organization of non-elected officials of a government or organization who implement the rules, laws, and function of their institution, and are occasionally characterized by officialism and red tape.
Therefore, bureaucracy can be defined as a rational, systematic and precise for organization whereby use rules, regulation and techniques so as to make succeed the ambition of an organization.
Max Weber (1946, 1947), introduced various characteristics of bureaucracy such as; clear-cut division of labour because there is duties and responsibility, Hierarchy of authority where by each position is under the supervision of high authority or all official work as the pyramid in shape, Existence of written rules, and regulations, Impersonality where dictate the official perform their duties without giving personal consideration to people as individual.
Employment based on technical qualification rather than on favoritism and measured against specific standard, and lastly is administrative decisions, rules, procedures and activities are recorded in written documents preserved in permanent files, and lastly fixed salaries, allowance, and pension where by officials paid monthly and other allowances.
Apart from characteristics of bureaucracy, also there are factors contributing to the development of bureaucracy as shown by Shankar Rao, (2006:720). This are:-the development of money economy guaranties a constant income for maintaining bureaucracy through a system of taxation, modern industries and states which require a big army of administrative official’s necessitated bureaucracy, and rational interpretation by laws.
The following are the problem manifested by bureaucracy:-
Michal Hughes and Kroehler (2008), discussed three problem of bureaucracy as follows:-
Oligarchy. This is the form of government in which only a small group of people (few people) hold all the power. The concentration of power in the hands of few people (individual) led to the use their office to advance their own fortunes and self interest. This is due to existence of Hierarchy system where by gives power the top leaders to decide what he/she want. Example, is the case (scandal) of David Jairo the former secretary of ministry of energy and minerals (July, 2011), where decided to collect money from within lower organization (ministry) against Tanzania regulation. (Saed Kubenea, 31, Augost-6th September. 2011, Mwanahalisi, No. ).
Dysfunctions of bureaucracy. Means not working in satisfactory or successively way. In many organizations, management specializations are not production or meeting consumer needs but it become the way to the top. Even when they function as they were designed to, bureaucracy may produce harmful consequences. Example is during post-world war second when USA decided to embrace Weber is bureaucratic society complete, the impact had corporation become overstaffed making the nation uncompetive in the world Market (Richard Rosecrance, 1990).
Bureaucracy is an idealized model. The word mean to consider or represent as being perfect or better than the really way are. It is imaginative issues and it is difficult/ impossible to realize in practice. Therefore, bureaucracy is not immune to social change. When such changes are frequent and the rapid, the part answers supplied by bureaucratic regulations and rules interfere with rational operation.
Therefore, the following are other problems manifested by bureaucracy:-
Inefficiency. This is the situation whereby an organization fails to implement the best way of using time, money, energy or resources. This is commonly in government organization. For example, in governments pays is not competitive with pay in private employment, hence there is no incentive to work at the most efficient (Alon, T. 2006). Taking Tanzania as example, most workers in government sectors fail to use time to develop an organization, but they spend a lot of time for unnecessary issues.
Corruption. This is the misuse of public funds (offices). This is happen when an institution pays lower salaries to their workers. Because of that many are tempt to commit petty graft by stealing either a ream of paper or other offices supplies (these are the workers who work the lowest level) . and the higher officers commit in the greater corruption. So, the impact of that, led to failure of an organization to work effectively.
Nepotism and relativism, in this, the relative of a certain officer being benefited much compared to other families or tribes. Officers try to use all his/her best power go give any kind of employment his/her relatives from his either is tribes or family without considering education level of a certain relative. The impact of this is poor performance of organization goals because some people become workers without having qualificacition in his/her position. The problem caused by hierarchy where a top leader having a voice to decide whatever than other members within an organization.
Rigidity and inertia in making decision. Inertia means lack of desire or ability to move or change, and continuing moving in the straight-line unless it is acted by force from outside. And rigidity means static or remains in a constant line without changing. Therefore, decision making of an organization always go slows or even impossible when facing unusual case and similarly delaying change, evaluation and adaptation of old procedures to new circumstances.
The phenomena of group thinking. Bureaucracy undermines freedom of thinking of other people by implementing boundaries to each worker. The chief executive officers or manager remain as important person who thinking much about the development of an organization. Whatever said by the top leaders, the lower follow and do without any complain. For instance in militaries have the slogan of “do then complain”. It means that, a person must perform a works and thereafter complete a person need to complain to whom gives a certain punishments or other levels.
Lack of competent and effectiveness leadership. Some of leaders of an organization are not competent on their work. They depend much to lower leaders to create some issues. But due to existence of hierarchy, the lower also depend the higher to create some issues for their development of their organization. So, the impact of it is less development on achieving goals of an organization.
Introduction of dictatorship. Due to existence of hierarchy system of leadership, the top leaders have a power to rule as a dictator. This is happen when a leaders undermine right of peoples or workers within an organization territories. Examples of this right being undermined are freedom of expression, movement and involving in various meetings.
Also people are not treat equally and peoples ideas are not listen.
Delayment of information. In any organization which characterized by fully bureaucratic have a tendency of passing information from either top to down or down to top. Mean from top leader to lowest leaders or workers, and also from lower to highest leaders of an organization. Some time it known by the name of “chain of command” (Ludwing Von Mises, 1944). This is used much in military camps where information pass from private (Pc) to Brigadier through chain. The impact of it is lacking to get information very faster if there is necessary information.
Little knowledge to the highest leader. Most of leaders within hierarchy depend much on orders whereby the lowest leaders require to work instead of general executive officers. The information which would be collected can be either true or false information. Also, if there is an issues for benefit of an organization rather than workers being investigated, led to bring false information in order to protect their jobs. So, the end of the day the top officers remain with false or wrong information from the lowest hence lack of knowledge how to manage an organization.
Lack of accountability and responsiveness. Due to existence of bureaucracy, some peoples lack accountability and transparence on his/her work in a certain organization. This is mainly done by the top leaders, and the main reasons are that, they use their office against rules and regulation of an organization. And sometimes they push things off. Example, if there is a certain case against top manager of an organization it is easily to receive and responsive of a massage become poor or no response.
Max Weber is famous scholar who known by the concept of “Bureaucracy”. Even though his work was good but facing with various critics based on the ideas of bureaucracy as follows:-
-Weber fails to distinguish markedly different types and subtypes of highly rationalized bureaucracy (Shankar Rao, 2006).
-The hypothesis which introduced by Max Weber are considered to be more responsible, need more empirical verification and specification before accepted as a specific work.
Max Weber neglected the dysfunctional or the negative aspect of a certain features of modern organization.
-The work of bureaucracy which introduced by Weber’s show it is segregative in nature; based on race, power belonging to few people especially top leaders of an organization hence other people affecting either psychological or physical. Therefore, he failed to elaborate how to help this people or workers within organization who undermined to feel happy as other workers as top leaders.
-Max Weber compared bureaucracy as “ideal type” and the ideal types is something imaginative. It is through mind of people and it is difficult to see bureaucracy. And also, the correction of some of explanatory overviews, it is not historical overviews but details are complex.
Even though bureaucracy has a lot of problems as mentioned by various scholars including Max Weber, but also has a lot of advantages to the development of an organization. The following are some of advantages of bureaucracy analyzed by Max Weber as shown by Shankar Rao (2006):-
Bureaucracy provide opportunity for division of labour, the modern organization need a millions of workers, and in order to make this workers in a systematic way, it require the application of bureaucracy so as to divide workers regulding their profession. Example of institution having more than million workers is Coca-Cola trading companies.
Performance in complicated tasks, Bureaucracy used in complicated issues such as conducting census, capturing criminals, collecting taxes, and during election.
And also, Shankar Rao ibid (:721), added some such as control the west of time, mobility of resources and their rightful usage, maintenance of laws and order, and lastly is performance of repetive tasks such as industrial corporations, universities, and advertising agencies are always regular work..
Bureaucracy is seen most important to the development of organization and state in general. But in order to attain development in any organization should respect ideas and feelings of workers (to give power workers on thinking about organization). So, by doing that, workers will work for their best levels so as to achieve goals of an organization.

Hughes, M. and Kroehhler, J. C. (2008), sociology the core, 7th edition, New York. Mc
Graw Hill Publ.
Macionis, J. J. and Plummer, K. (2008), Sociology a global introduction, 4th edition,
London, Pearson Education ltd
Schaefer, R. T. (2008), Sociology a brief introduction, 7th edition, New York, Mc Graw
Hill publ.
Schaefer, R. T. (2008), Sociology matters, 3rd edition, New York, Mc Graw hill Press
Shankar Rao, C. N. (2006), Sociology: principles of sociology with an introduction to
Social thought, New Delhi, Rejendra Revindra and S. Chand ltd.
Saed Kubenea (2011), Mwanahalisi News, Kikwete chupuchupu, ni katika sakata la
Jairo, No. 257, ISSN:1821-5432, Wednesday, August 31st –September 6, 2011.
Ludwig Von Mises (1944), Bureaucracy, New Heaven, Yale University Press
http://www.change.freeuk/learning/socthink/Webercrit.htm. Andrian Worsfold/
03/12/2011:4:46 pm,28/11/7:07Pm (last modified 28/11/2011
09:33 by Brandon Harris. ,Modified on 3rd April, 2008:18:45.


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