Monday, December 31, 2012

QUESTION: Sociological theory has been shaped with the social context. Discuss the main sociological context you know that have been developed by Karl Marx, Max Weber, Emile Durkheim and Georg Simmel.

QUESTION: Sociological theory has been shaped with the social context. Discuss the main sociological context you know that have been developed by Karl Marx, Max Weber, Emile Durkheim and Georg Simmel.

QUESTION: Sociological theory has been shaped with the social context. Discuss the main sociological context you know that have been developed by Karl Marx, Max Weber, Emile Durkheim and Georg Simmel.
-Historical background of sociological theory
-Definition of sociological theories
-Sociological context that has developed by:-
       -Social change
       -Conflict theory
         -Social solidarity
          -Phylosophy of money
Sociological theories are those modern theories that are based on empirical evident aiming to evaluate social issues within our society for benefit of the present and future time, and it developed by various scholar in the 1800s and 1900s. Examples of scholars who developed these sociological theories are Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, and Georg Simmel.
Therefore, the following are the definition of sociological theories:-
Sociological theory is defined as a set of interrelated ideas that allows for systematization of knowledge of the social world. This knowledge is used to explain the social world and make prediction about the future of the social world (Robert O. Keel, 2011).
Sociological theory is complex theoretical and methodological frameworks used to analyze and explain object of social study. Examples of sociological theories are conflict theory, critical theory, feminist theory, functionalism theory, and rational choice theory (
Therefore, sociological theory can be defined as a complex theoretical framework that is used to explain social theories through empirical formula (scientific method) and making judgments.
Therefore, it is true that “Sociological theory has been shaped with the social context”. The following are the main sociological contexts that have been developed by Karl Marx, Max Weber, Emile Durkheim and Georg Simmel:-
Karl Marx developed social issues such as “conflict theory and social change” as follows:-
Conflict theory was the theory introduced by Karl Marx in the book “Communist Manifesto”, 1848, (George Ritzer and Douglas J. Googman, 2004c). Conflict theory argues that society is not best understood as a complex system striving for equilibrium but rather as a competition. Society is made up of individuals competing for limited resources. (
According to Karl Marx (1818-1883), in any societies there are two major social groups: a ruling class and a subject class. The ruling class derives its power from its ownership and control of the forces of production. The ruling class exploits and oppresses the subject class (lower class). As a result there is a basic conflict of interest between these two classes.
All in all, conflict theory rose when exploitation of capitalist and existing government being increase to lower class or workers, and the exploitative in order to reduce and removal those kinds off injustice, they require forming movements and overthrowing existing government.
Karl Marx believed that, economic and political analysis of capitalism is the main causes of conflict theory. This is due to forced labour, long working hours, low wages and poor working condition which under capitalism system.
Conflict theory still exist in Tanzania today and shaped our social context as we see in our country now days there are various riots between workers and employer or government vases Hawkers (in Swahili language we call “wamachinga”) in the city like Mwanza, Arusha, and Mbeya.
                SOCIAL CHANGE
Social change it is essential feature of capitalism which existing all over the world. Under this system, the means of production and distributing goods such as land, factory technology, and transport system are owned by a small minority of people, we refer this group of people as the capitalist class.
Functionalist social theory tends to regard these economic activities as mundane necessity to support cultural that depend upon it. Karl Mark believes that all society which was under communist one the production of goods was structured on the way that to produce great benefit for minority. Through this theory we can use it to understand how capitalism leads to social change up to this present and how people are exploited under capitalism.
Max Weber explained about “rationalization, and social solidarity”. All this two explained as follow:-
Rationalization is the term used in sociology to refer to the process in which an increasing number of social actions become based on considerations of teleological efficiency or calculation (clarification needed) rather than on motivation divided from morality, emotion, custom or tradition. Many sociologists regard it as a central aspect of modernity, manifested especially in western society as a behavior or the capitalist market of ration administration in the state and bureaucracy.
The rationally com from Weber’s ideas, during his work. Weber tries to explain about the rationalization with the consideration of three categories such as bureaucracy, religion, and society. Because these things found and be applied by human being every day in their life. Due to rationalization is among of social context, means something used in our society today Weber used rationalization to explain thee types of legitimate authority in the society. In this Weber described legitimate as “the publicly reasons for obeying or complaining with the command issue from the authority”.
In tradition authority, Weber explains how power generated in tradition authority. This is where as legal system from the legitimacy of the rational legal system. Tradition authority is based on a claim by the leaders, and belief on the part of the following; these explain how pennon can create followers as tradition leader on the society. Also in our society there are good examples of traditional leader like chief Mkwawa through, he has enough ability to mobilize people and except he said, and this traditional authority can be rule by elders or inherit positions.
Charismatic authority; this is the concept that is come to be used every broadly (Sakes, 1997; Werbner and Basu, 1998). The person who has ordinary supernatural power,; means that someone who can be respected and his/her power to control people in the society.
In this, there is no need to find thus supernatural power found. But its automatically happen (spontaneously) to any person. In our society today and pass through history and best events there are sample this charismatic issues like J. K. Nyerere in Tanzania, also there is somebody known as Mwanamarundi in Mwanza Tanzania.
The theory of bureaucracy was founded by Max Weber a Germany sociologist (1864-1920). Weber intention was to describe features of an ideal (model) organizations or formal structure that could facilitate conduct of official activities (business) efficiently and effectively with higher degree of rationality.  
According to Weber’s bureaucracy is a normal way that legal rational authority appears in constitutional form (organized way), it plays central role in ordering and controlling modern organizations. He meant a construct or mode that service as a measuring rod against with actual cases can be evaluated.  Weber proposed that whether at his purpose it is to run a church, a corporation or any army that the ideal can be applied.
Weber studying bureaucracy as a power, he reflects type of power and authority which figures our society today. By studying Weber’s theory of bureaucracy we can understand better why in today’s society contain people hold more or high authority than others.
Emile Durkheim was discussed two social context such as “suicide and social solidarity”. This are:-
Suicide is the act or instance of killing one self, and that can be in internationally level or within a country. This theory was developed by Emile Durkheim. He founded that lack of social integration, group involvement and collective consciousness as the reasons for high suicide in the mid of 18th century up to 19th century.
But the reasons highlighted by Durkheim as the causes of suicide are even applicable in modern society. And the people who commit suicide in high rate is unmarriage compared to marriage one as we see now days. According to Durkheim analyzed three types of suicide such as anomie suicide, egoistic suicide and anomie suicide. Particular in Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, and Nigeria are the examples of people who commit suicide for high rate in today, this is due to excessive degree of group integration now days. Also today we see people committing suicide due to the fact they fail to fulfill their ambition.
                      SOCIAL SOLIDARITY
Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) was the most prominent French sociologist of 19th century. He was erudite scholar, great thinker, who comes up with the theory of solidarity. Social solidarity refers to the integration and degree or type of the integration manifest by society group. The bases of social solidarity are different and complex societies. He made a comparison between the primitive and the civilized by “mechanical solidarity based on the conscience collective” and the advanced society is characterized by organic solidarity based on the division of labour.
As defined by Durkheim, mechanical solidarity refers to social solidarity based upon homogeneity of value and behavior. Strong social constraint, and loyalty to tradition and kinship while social solidarity refers to the types of societal solidarity typically in modern industrial society, in which unity is based on the interdependence of every larger number of high specialized roles in the system involving a complex division of labour that require the cooperation of almost all group and individual of the society.
This theory is still applicable until now in the society, this is due to the fact that individual in the society has similarities, people do not differ much. Also solidarity is highly needed in the society because it encourages development.
Georg Simmel introduced two ideas such as “symbolic interactions” and “the philosophy of money”. George Simmel explained as follows:-
                        SYMBOLIC INTERACTION
The idea of symbolic interaction was introduced by Georg Simmel (1859-1918), shown by George Ritzer and Douglas J. Googman, (2004c) in the book Sociological Theory. Simmel explained interactions in form of political, economic, religion, and sexual behavior. Simmel considered society to be an association of free individuals and said that it could not be studied in the same way as the physical world. Simmel also continued to say “society is made up of the interactions between and among individuals, and the sociologist should study the parttens and form of these association rather than request after social law (Farganis, 1993:133).
This statement emphasis on social interaction at the individual and small level, and viewing the study of these interactions are the primary task. Georg Simmel explained idea of interaction by emphasis from individual levels (smallest level of interaction) to largest level of institution. Example of small interaction can be group of dyads (consist of only two people) or tried (consist of only three members), and large scale interaction are like institution.
This theory is applicable even today in our family and working place. The interactions of workers from various organizations help them to exchange ideas, and then they have ability implement it in their organization, hence increase of production and services. Therefore, through interaction an individual can champion some changes based on positive way which can lead to increase levels of development in the society. This interaction can be the people of one culture and another culture, organization and organization, blacks and white people, or can be either student from various schools.
“The philosophy of money” was the book and theory of money which was written by Georg Simmel (1859-1918), shown by George Ritzer and Douglas J. Googman, (2004c). Philosophy of money stand as an idea developed by him emphasis on money, and its important and consequence to the society all over the world.
In this book, Simmel is concerned with money as a symbol, and what some of the effects of this are for people and society. In modern society, money becomes an impersonal or objectified measure of value. This implies impersonal, rational ties among people that are institutionalized in the money form.
For example, relations of domination and subordination become quantitative relationships of more and less money (impersonal and measurable in a rational manner). The use of money distances individuals from objects and also provides the means of overcoming this distance. The use of money allows much greater flexibility for individuals in society (to travel greater distances and to overcome person-to-person limitations.)
Simmel thus suggests that “the spread of the money form gives individuals a freedom of sorts by permitting them to exercise the kind of individualized control over "impression management" that was not possible in traditional societies. ... Ascribed identities have been discarded. Even strangers become familiar and knowable identities insofar as they are willing to use a common but impersonal means of exchange”. (Ashley and Orenstein, 1990:326)
At the same time, personal identity becomes problematic, so that development of the money form has both positive and negative consequences. That is, individual freedom is potentially increased greatly, but there are problems of alienation, fragmentation, and identity construction.
Simmel concluded that, “a society in which money becomes an end, in itself can cause individuals to become increasingly cynical and to have the blasé attitude,( George Ritzer and Douglas J. Googman, 2004c).
By relating in our society we live today, a person who have money become the controller of the system production such as industrial, and medias like Newspaper and television.  Examples is Regnand Mengi in Tanzania own more than one media (such as Capital television, Chanel 5, ITV Daima, and Newspaper including The Guardian and Nipashe) and factories or industry including Bonite Bottles industry dealing with production of drinks, present in Moshi-Kilimanjaro region.
The sociological theories are most important because it explained reality of our lives in modern societies and try to come with the solution of the phenomena or problem which arose in the society. Also it leads us to learn the earliest peoples who succeeded in such phenomena by follow their ways of succession.   

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              New York, McGraw-Hill,       
Macionis, J. J. and Plummer, K. (2008), Sociology “A Global Introduction”, 4th Edition,
          London, Pearson Education Limited.
Ritzer, G. and Goodman, J. D. (2004c), Sociological Theory, 6th Edition, University of
         Maryland & Puget Sound, McGraw Hill Publisher
Schaefer, R. T. (2008), sociology Matters, 3rd Edition, New York, McGraw Hill Pub.
Shankar Rao, C. N. (2006),Sociology: a principles of sociology with an introduction to
            Social thought, 6th Edition, Indian university, Rejendra Ravindra and S. Chand
McGree, R. J. and Warms, R. L. (2004), Anthropological Theory; an introductory history,
          3rd Edition, Southwest Taxas State University, McGraw Hill Press
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