QN. What are the following; NSSF, LAPF, PPF, and PSPF?
1. (A). What are
the following; NSSF, LAPF, PPF, and PSPF?
NSSF- (National Social
Security Fund) The National Social Security Fund (NSSF) was established by the
Act of Parliament No. 28 of 1997 to replace the defunct National Provident Fund
NSSF is a compulsory scheme providing a wider range of
benefits which are based on internationally accepted standards and it
is a formal institution that provides social security protection in Tanzania, where offers social security coverage to employees of private sector and non-pensionable parastatal and government employees, (http://www.zoomtanzania.com/NSSF--National-Social-Security-Fund).
is a formal institution that provides social security protection in Tanzania, where offers social security coverage to employees of private sector and non-pensionable parastatal and government employees, (http://www.zoomtanzania.com/NSSF--National-Social-Security-Fund).
NSSF, the National Social Security Fund, is
national saving scheme mandated by government through the National Social
Security Fund act, to provide social security services to employees.
NSSF- (National Social
Security Fund) is a formal institution that provides social security protection
in Tanzania,
it offers social security coverage to employees of private sector and
non-pensionable parastatal and government employees
LAPF- The Local
Authorities Pensions Fund (LAPF) is a social security institution established
under The LAPF Act No 9 of 2006 and aiming; To provide a scheme for
payment of benefits to insured persons payable under the Act, To work towards a
gradual and continuous improvement of benefits payable under the Act, To
register employers and employees who by law are required to contribute to the
Fund and collect contributions from them, To safeguard members' contributions
and other resources of the, Fund through keeping and maintaining up to date
accounts and records, To invest members' funds in secure and high yielding
investments; and To formulate, offer and administer retirement and other
benefits packages which are attractive to persons and institutions who are and
may become depositors or contributing employers, http://www.lapftz.org/LAPF2006.pdf
LAPF this means Local Authority Pension Fund,
is the social institution established under LAPF Act number 9 of 2006.
LAPF- (The Local
Authorities Provident Fund) is the formal institution offering social security
coverage to employees of the Local Government. (http://www.ppftz.org/home/ACT_25_AMEND.pdf)
a social security institution established by Act of Parliament No.14 of 1978 offering social security coverage to
employees of the both private and parastatal organizations. The Act was further amended in subsequent
years to reflect and accommodate new developments within the social security
sector. The main objectives of the Fund is to provide pensions and other
related social security benefits to all employees in the Parastatal
organizations, private companies, NGO’s, self employed and those in the
informal sector, (www.naombakazi.blogspot.com/.../ppf
PPF this means Parastatal Pension Fund.
Refers to Public fund account under a long term dept scheme of the government.
PPF- (Parastatal Pension Fund) is the
formal institution offering social security coverage to employees of the both
private and parastatal organizations (http://www.ppftz.org/home/reports/ar1997.PDF).
formal institution which provides social security protection to employees of
central Government whereby deal with providing pension and based on The Act
establishing the Fund provides for three categories of benefits: a) Old age
retirement, survivorship and invalidity; b) Sickness and funeral; c) Withdraw
in respect of Marriage, maternity, emigration and termination of employment, (http://www.pspf-tz.org/en/index.php?page=12).
PSPF this means Public Services Pension Fund, is a darling
of all tax saving investments. PSPF- (The Public Service Pension Fund) is the
formal institution which provides social security protection to employees of
central Government under pensionable terms.
(B). Take one of them and describe in detail.
The National Social Security Fund (NSSF)
was established by the Act of Parliament No. 28 of 1997 to replace the defunct
National Provident Fund (NPF). NSSF is a compulsory scheme providing a wider
range of benefits which are based on internationally accepted standards, (http://www.zoomtanzania.com/NSSF--National-Social-Security-Fund).
NSSF is a leading provider of social security services to employers and
employees covered under the following categories: Private Sector, Government
Ministries and Departments, Parastatal Organizations, Self-employed or any
other employed person not covered by any other scheme and any other category as
declared by the Ministry of Labor. Primary objective of NSSF is to provide a
wide range of short term and long term benefits to members and families in need
of social security in Tanzania. Fund offers Old
Age, Invalidity and Survivors Pension, Employment Injury, Social Health
Insurance, Maternity and Funeral Grants Benefit services, in Tanzania and
international in general.
Companies such as Non-governmental organizations, Embassies
employing Tanzanians International organizations, Organized groups in the
informal sector, Government ministries and departments employing
non-pensionable employees, Parastatal organizations, and Self-employed or any other employed
person not covered by any other scheme Any other category as declared by the
Minister of Labour.
The scheme is financed through
contributions at the rate of 20% of employee’s salary. The employer is required
to deduct from employee’s gross salary the amount of contribution not exceeding
10% of the employee’s salary. The employer adds the remaining balance to make
the required contribution rate of 20 % per month, (http://www.zoomtanzania.com/NSSF--National-Social-Security-Fund).
The scheme’s Benefit’s provides seven
benefits which are categorized as long term pension or short term benefits as
follow; (a) Long Term Pension; Retirement pension, Invalidity pension, and
Survivor’s pension. (b) Short Term Benefits; Funeral Grant, Maternity Benefit,
Employment injury Benefit, and lastly Health insurance Benefit.
Objectives of the National Social Security Fund
Social security in Tanzania covers a wider variety of
public and private measures, meant to provide benefits in the event of
the individuals’ earning power permanently ceasing, being interrupted
never developing, being unable to avoid poverty, or being exercised only
at an acceptable social costs. The major domains of social security are poverty
prevention, poverty alleviation, social compensation and income distribution.
Many issues relating to social security are sensitive, as
they touch on the material interests of organized workers and the unorganized
poor as well as
Insurance industry and employer organizations. The social
security system in Tanzania
has the following key elements: -
Social assistance schemes which are non-contributory and
income-tested, and provided by the state to groups such as people with
disabilities, elderly people and unsupported parents and children who are
unable to provide for their own minimum needs. In Tanzania social assistance
also covers social relief, which is a short term measure to tide people over a
particular individual or community crisis such as Mandatory schemes, where
people contribute through the employers to pension or provident funds,
employers also contribute to these funds, Private savings, where people
voluntarily save for retirement, working capital and insure themselves against
events such as disability and loss of income and meet other social needs.
Despite the existence of this framework, service delivery
has not reached the majority of Tanzanians due to inadequate financing and
fragmented institutional arrangements. The estimated total population of Tanzania is
33.5 million1. Out of this, 70 per cent are in the rural areas, while the rest
are in urban areas. The total labour force of Tanzania is estimated at 16
million, where 5.4% of the total labour force or 2.7% of the total population
is covered by the mandatory formal social security system. 93 per cent of the
capable workforce is engaged in the informal sector in both rural and urban
areas; out of that 80 per cent is in engaged in the agrarian economy2.
Informal Social Security System
Tanzania, like many other
countries in the developing world has had strong informal and traditional
social security systems built on family and/or community support. In times of
contingencies such as famine, diseases, and old age; individuals have depended
on family, clan members and members of the community for assistance in the form
of cash or in kind. While it is recognized that over time, traditional social
security system has tended to decay and change forms in response to the forces
of urbanization and industrialization, there is evidence that in Tanzania family
and community social support system have remained as means of social security
within different social groups. Overtime, socio-economic reforms have slowly
resulted into disintegration of the family-based social security protection
leading to the formation of self-help groupings such as UPATU, UMASIDA and
Challenges gave to the rise of the Social Security.
I) Weakening of Informal Social Protection System
Socio-economic developments taking place in Tanzania have
resulted into a slow but steady disintegration of the kinship or family-based
social support systems on which the majority of Tanzanians have depended for
protection against contingencies. Economic hardships have made it difficult for
individuals, families and/or kin members to provide assistance to each other in
time of crisis and need.
The high rate of urbanization has also taken its toll on
traditional social protection systems. There has been increasing fragmentation
with families becoming more dispersed thereby eroding the capacity of extended
families to function as social safety nets.
ii) Limited Growth of the Formal Employment
Public sector reforms have resulted into retrenchment of
workers, freezing employment in the public sector and privatization of public
enterprises. These have led to increased unemployment, which in turn has forced
more people to resort to employment in the urban informal sector where earnings
are often inadequate and/or uncertain. There is however a limited growth in
employment in the private sector.
iii) Reduced Access to Social Services
Despite the deliberate measures by the government to
improve provision of social services to the public, considerable part of the
population has either limited or no access to services. In some instances, cost
sharing in the provision of social services has reduced the capacity of the
people to access the services.
iv) Low levels of income
Incomes for the majority of the people in Tanzania are
generally inadequate to meet their basic requirements and save for future use.
v) Declaration of Low Insurable Earnings
Some employers provide remunerations composed of basic
salaries and allowances, while deductions for social security are based on
basic salaries only, leading to lower benefits from social security
institutions upon retirement.
Rationale for a Social Security Policy
The existing social security system has many shortcomings
that include low coverage of the Tanzanian Society, fragmentation of legislation,
lack of regulatory framework, lack of a mechanism for portability of benefits
and inadequacy of benefits provided.
Therefore, the need for a well-articulated national social
security policy is more eminent now than ever. In view of the foregoing, there
is a need for having a comprehensive national social security policy that shall
address the needs of employed people in the formal sector, self employed
population in the informal sector, the elderly, people with disabilities and
children in need of special protection.
Therefore the
social security policy is expected to widen the scope and coverage of social
security services to all the citizens. Harmonize social security schemes in the
country so as to eliminate fragmentation and rationalize contribution rates and
benefit structures Reduce poverty through improved quality and quantity of
benefits offered. Institute a mechanism for good governance and sustainability
of social security institutions through establishment of a regulatory body,
Establish a social security structure that is consistent with the ILO standards
but with due regard to the socio-economic situation in the country; and Ensure
more transparency and involvement of social partners in the decision making
with respect to social security institutions.
NSSF, the National
Social Security Fund, is a national saving scheme mandated by government
through the National Social Security Fund act, to provide social security
services to employees in Uganda.
It was established
by an act of parliament (1985) to provide for its membership payment of
contributions to, and payment of benefits out of the fund.
NSSF is a
provident fund (pays out contributions in lump sum). It cover all employees in
the private sector include Non-governmental organizations that are not covered
by the Governments pension scheme. It is a scheme instituted for the protection
of employees against the uncertainties of social and economic life.
The NSSF vision
To be the socio
security provider of choice
The NSSF mission
To secure a better
life for their growing membership by providing quality products, great customer
service and offering competitive returns in a transparent and efficient
The NSSF value
centric (ii) innovation (iii) integrity (iv) team work (v) Efficiency
NSSF benefits, as per Act, NSSF administers and pays
qualified contributing persons the following benefits as a matter of rights.
1. Age benefits
This is paid to
members who have reached the retirement age of 55. Age benefits can also be
claimed on attaining the age of 50 provided the claimant has retired from
2. Survivors benefit
This is paid to
the immediate surviving family (spouse and children) of the deceased member. In
case the member did not have a spouse or children the benefit is paid to the
parents if they solely dependent upon the deceased member.
3. Exempted
This is paid to
members who join exempted employment categories that have their own schemes example public services, Army,
Police etc.
4. Emigration
This is paid to
foreign or Ugandan members who are leaving country permanently.
Invalidity benefit
This is paid to
members who can no longer be gainfully employed because of physical or mental
With draw benefit
This is paid to a
member if he or she attains the age of 50 years and if he or she has not been
employed under a contract of services for a period of one year immediately
preceding his or her claims.
Generally NSSF is
very importance to the people especially its member due to the fact that it
help their members who have problem like sick people, Old ages, Disabilities
and it make people to live in good standards life after retirements.
LAPF, the Local Authorities Pensions Fund
established 2006 under the Act number 9 as a social security institution so as
to work towards a gradual and continuous improvement of benefits payable under
the Act, to register employers and employees who by law are required to
contribute to the Fund and collect contributions from them, to safeguard
members' contributions and other resources of the fund by keeping and
maintaining date accounts and records, to invest members' funds in secure and
high yielding investments; and to offer and
retirement persons, (http://www.lapftz.org/LAPF2006.pdf)
HISTORY OF LAPF. History of the Local Authorities
Pensions Fund (LAPF), The Local Authorities Pensions Fund (LAPF) was
established by Act No 9 of 2006 which repealed
the Local Authorities Provident Fund Act No 6 of 2000. The difference between
the former Local Authorities Provident Fund (LAPF) and The Local Authorities
Pension Fund (LAPF) is the way benefits are determined, while in the former
provident Scheme the Fund was mandated to Defined Contribution plan, the Fund
is mandated to Defined Benefit (DB) plan where it based among contributor
retires above poverty line, on the contribution level of the insured person and
OBJECTIVE, the major object of LAPF, was to increase social security towards the citizen who joining on it where employer and employee contributes fund for the future benefits as the growth of the Fund in terms of members to 65,000 in 2006 stems from the fact that majority of LAPF members come from Local Authorities, All employers are mandated by LAPF Act No. 9 of 2006 to register their employees with the Fund. Both employers and employees are required to contribute to the Fund on a monthly basis, which then accumulates to become the workers’ retirement benefits. From 2000, this joint contribution rate stands of development at 20% of an employee’s salary, of which the employer’s share is 15% and 5% is contributed by the employee. LAPF has now been transformed into a DB scheme and come January 2006 it will start paying pension to its 600 qualifying pensioners who were employed by the Local Government Authorities. This scheme clearly shifts the risks from the contributor to the LAPF, so the Fund must have a wide coverage to enjoy the law of large numbers to hedge itself against the relevant risks. http://www.lapftz.org/about/
CHALLENGES, Local Authority Pension Fund faced with
various problems such as in scarcity of facilities to store money, low number
of members this because there are few people who being aware about the
importance of LAPF as well as miss-management of work cause poor performance
and efficiency of work, miss uses of fund is another challenge which face the
inefficiency of Local Authority Pension Fund. So government must establish good
policy and laws so as to guide and modify this institution for more benefited.
PPF is a social
security institution established by Act of Parliament No.14 of
1978. The Act was further amended in subsequent years to reflect and
accommodate new developments within the social security sector. The main
objectives of the Fund is to provide pensions and other related social
security benefits to all employees in the Parastatal organizations, private
companies, NGO’s, self employed and those in the informal sector.
1978. The Act was further amended in subsequent years to reflect and
accommodate new developments within the social security sector. The main
objectives of the Fund is to provide pensions and other related social
security benefits to all employees in the Parastatal organizations, private
companies, NGO’s, self employed and those in the informal sector.
Public Service
Pension Fund (PSPF), this was created by an act of parliament (the public
retirement benefits acct no.2 of 1999) in order to replace the pension
ordinance of 1954.
The management of
the fund is under the broad of trustees.
Is to provide
quality services with suitable resources, (http://www.pspf-tz.org/eng.php).
Public Service
Pension Fund (PSPF), this was created by an act of parliament (the public
retirement benefits acct no.2 of 1999) in order to replace the pension
ordinance of 1954.
The management of
the fund is under the broad of trustees and the day to day activities are under
the director general who is assisted by directors.
The public
servise pension fund should adhere the accountability and responsibility,
integrity and diligence, creativity as well as courtesy to all.
a) Old age retirement, survivorship and
b) Sickness and funeral;
c) Withdraw in respect of Marriage,
maternity, emigration and termination of employment.
The main purpose of Pension is to provide
a replacement of income to persons who have permanently lost their income.
It is a benefit paid to a member who has
attained the age of 55 years of age and the above who’s voluntarily or
compulsorily respectively.
These services were providing to a member who
dies while in the service, the board shall grant to legal representative an
amount not exceeding either his annual pensionable.
The benefit is payable to dependants of the deceased member. Dependants include Spouse, children and parents of deceased officer. The survivors pension is payable without prejudice to the relevant laws of inheritance.
The concept of invalidity is based on loss of earning capacity due to inability. The assessment of invalidity will be undertaken by an established Medical Board.
The benefit is payable to dependants of the deceased member. Dependants include Spouse, children and parents of deceased officer. The survivors pension is payable without prejudice to the relevant laws of inheritance.
The concept of invalidity is based on loss of earning capacity due to inability. The assessment of invalidity will be undertaken by an established Medical Board.
This funeral grant shall be paid to family
members of the deceased member as condolence.
Paid to a female member who gets married and consequently gives up gainful employment.
Paid to a female member who gets married and consequently gives up gainful employment.
Paid to a female member who has given birth to a child and has permanently given up gainful employment.
Paid to a female member who has given birth to a child and has permanently given up gainful employment.
Paid to member who is emigrating or has emigrated from United Republic of Tanzania( http://www.pspf-tz.org/en/index.php?page=12).
Paid to member who is emigrating or has emigrated from United Republic of Tanzania( http://www.pspf-tz.org/en/index.php?page=12).
This fund may help people to have a good life even though
he/she is in hard time like sickness and many other problems. Though through
that services people can afford to aquire his or her basic needs.
04, 2012/19:14hrs
04, 2012/19:31hrs
04, 2012/19:50hrs
You've invested in high-quality content .thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteSuperannuation Fund Management System
Great Post! It's very nice to read this info from someone that actually knows what they are talking about. employee benefits program New York
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome, your real good. Keep it up and God will reward you, ts doraonesmo@gmail.com
ReplyDeletei would like to see the overall historical background of social security systems in tanzania
ReplyDeletethnks very much.....
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWill you suggest us the tariff % contribution for foreigners in PPF and GEPF. which is better for foreigners
ReplyDeleteLikely to now how many workers does have in nssf ilala