Tuesday, January 1, 2013

QN: Assume you are Young or adult, write a leter to any local News papers showing how you can cope-up with poverty. Explain poverty cycle at each stage.

QN: Assume you are Young or adult, write a leter to any local News papers showing how you can cope-up with poverty. Explain poverty cycle at each stage.

I’m very happy to get this golden chance to present my topic in The Guardian News paper. The main purpose of presenting this work is to explain about poverty and saying much how I can cope up with poverty and also I will explain about obstacles which I would overcome. I’m a child and a face with the challenges of poverty but I expect to cope with this situation as follow by starting the meaning of poverty.
Poverty is the state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support; condition of being poor. privation, neediness, destitution, indigence, pauperism, penury. riches, wealth, plenty.
Poverty can be caused by low science and technology, poor management of resources, low level of education, high rate of fertility and high rate of ageing population (elders), wages is not sufficient to meet needs, they are unable to work, and the benefit they receive are inadequate.
The following ways it can make me to cope up poverty situation:-
Firstly, I should understand the real situation (poverty). I know that I’m not alone who living in poor around the world. I’m a part of a mass who find themselves in poverty. I’m the one among them. So, by understanding that, I’m not alone, I will enjoy with my life by creating a method for escaping from this poverty.
Secondly, poverty it has advantages. Yes there are advantages to being poor; the poor have the opportunity to appreciate the simpler things in life that the rich often overlook. God has chosen the poor to inherit heavenly riches (James 2:5), but Jesus did say that it’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to make it into heaven (Mathew 19:23, 24)
Thirdly, is more to life than making money, I understand that there is more to life than making money, because some day we will all die, I can’t take my money, so I don’t make money more important than it really is. Further more I can enjoy life in the little things like to give my family and parent a legacy of love, which is worth far more than riches.
Lastly, I remember poverty it doesn’t have to destroy use there are many other things that truly brings meaning to life.
The following is how I will overcome the obstacles of poverty as shown bellow:-
Hunger. Within my family we face this problem, this cause low production in economic activities much time we spend to find food rather than involving on production activities like cash crop production. In order to overcome this problem I should convince my family together with me to participate directly on producing enough food and cash crops which will help us to escape from this poverty situation.
Education. This current time I’m a student but education I earned in poor environment and difficulties this is because my parent fails to complete school fees at a time. So, in order to escape this problem is to study hard and encouraging my parent to pay fees in arranged time. By doing that, I expect my studies would help me on future time.
Diseases. This is unavoidable for every person. But when I’m suffering from diseases, my parent fail to send me to hospital, this is because of poverty which existed for a long period of time. Due to these problems, the only way to solve is that, trying to protect me and my family by clearing houses such as slashing glass so as to escape from malaria, drinking boiled water, washing my hands before and after eating, and washing hands when I’m from toilets.
Therefore, I suggest that besides opening children center the department of poverty and development should take urgent steps to overcome these problems at nation level.
Thanking you,
Your faithful,
Ally Karafuu.
2. Describe a typical life cycle indicating whether you would expect a person to be richer or poor at each point.
Typical life-cycle, refers as the most widely used concepts in social sciences, it may applied metaphorically to initiate an analysis. Moreover may these social science concepts are borrowed from other sciences and used metarmophically to simplify complex social phenomena by invoking familiar schema in scientific though
Typical life cycle refers as the core assumptions of research program in developmental processes, strictly defined as maturational and generational processes in natural population. (my views).      
 Better poorer. Is the first stage of the life cycle.   Before birth, a person begins as a single cell, the tiniest building block of life. As the human cells duplicate and specialize into specific body parts, they prepare for the birth of an infant, weighing five to ten pounds.  This takes about 40 weeks from the time that the first cell starts growing. Newborn babies have more bones in their bodies than adults do - as they grow their bones fuse together.
Young adult.  Is the second stage of the life cycle.   From birth through the first year of life, a person is called an infant. Babies can't do much for themselves. They are only just learning to recognize their surroundings, to walk and to talk. They are dependent on parents for everything - for food, changing, bathing and movement from place to place. It must be a poor.
Adult with young children. Is the third stage of the life cycle. This lasts for about ten years, from 3 to 12 years old. For the first two years after infancy, the child is called a toddler. Toddlers learn how to walk, talk, and become more independent. They can feed and dress themselves. Toddlers grow into children, and they go to school where they learn to read and write. They gain more freedom and responsibility as they learn about themselves for the rest of their childhood. This stage also adult with young children must be a poor because still depend on his/her parent.
Middle age. Is the fourth stage of the life cycle.  This lasts from about age 12 to 18 years. Teenagers are quite independent, but they still need their parents to house and feed them, and pay their bills. Adolescents learn more in school. They may learn to drive and have an after-school job. In this stage, starting with puberty, boys change and become men, and girls become women. This can be a very confusing time for a young person, trying to cope with so many changes. Teenage boys grow in spurts, but not just upwards - growth occurs first in the hands and feet, then the legs and arms, the body, and finally the head. These different phases of growth mean that teenage boys often look long and lanky. Teenage girls often mature a few years before boys. This is the time that an adolescent prepares for adulthood, growing to his/her maximum size, and is physically able to reproduce. This stage the where person can create his/her future life to became a poor or rich but still living in poverty environment.
Old stage.  Is the fifth stage of the life cycle. This lasts from the end of adolescence, usually age 18 to 20, to old age. Adulthood is the time that people take on different kinds of responsibilities. All of the things that our parents once provided, adults must now provide for themselves. The life cycle usually starts over again during this stage, when, through reproduction, adults give birth to their own children. Once a person’s children are grown up and are having children of their own, an adult can enter a more relaxing time of life, with freedom to pursue hobbies and travel. Though the body begins to break down during this stage, an adult may live to an average age of 76 or even longer.  The human life cycle repeats the same cycle of stages, from one generation to the next.
Poverty seen as a cycle because it starts from first stage which is better poorer to the last stage which is old stage. But this poverty to some people, the last stage to some people remain as rich people and majority of them remain as poor.  

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