Tuesday, January 1, 2013

QN. Capitalized societies utilize culture as ideological machination for underpining their hegemony". Discuss

QN. Capitalized societies utilize culture as ideological machination for underpining their hegemony". Discuss

The term capitalist as referring to an owner of capital (rather than its meaning of someone adherent to the economic system) shows earlier recorded use than the term capitalism, dating back to the mid-seventeenth century. Capitalist is derived from capital, which evolved from capitale, a late Latin word based on proto-Indo-European caput, meaning "head" — also the origin of chattel and cattle in the sense of movable property (only much later to refer only to livestock). Capitale emerged in the 12th to 13th centuries in the sense of referring to funds, stock of merchandise, sum of money, or money carrying interest. By 1283 it was used in the sense of the capital assets of a trading firm. It was frequently interchanged with a number of other words — wealth, money, funds, goods, assets, property and so on.
The Hollandische Mercurius uses capitalists in 1633 and 1654 to refer to owners of capital. In French, Étienne Clavier referred to capitalistes in 1788, six years before its first recorded English usage by Arthur Young in his work Travels in France (1792). David Ricardo, in his Principles of Political Economy and Taxation (1817), referred to "the capitalist" many times. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, an English poet, used capitalist in his work Table Talk (1823). Pierre-Joseph Proudhon used the term capitalist in his first work, What is Property? (1840) to refer to the owners of capital. Benjamin Disraeli used the term capitalist in his 1845 work Sybil.[18] Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels used the term capitalist (Kapitalist) in The Communist Manifesto (1848) to refer to a private owner of capital, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitalism/24-04-2012/5.33PM).

Capitalized societies utilize culture as ideological machination for underpinning their hegemony”. It is not for interest of other society but it is for their interest. Capitalist society utilizes culture in order to expand themselves. The truth of this statement are present on cultures which are speeded by capitalized society from 13th century to 16th century where capitalism started to emerge and spread all over the world until today.
Capitalized society expanding culture through globalization. The ongoing globalization, based on the Washington Consensus, is aimed at bringing in cultural uniformity throughout the world without leaving any scope for diversities. It wants to impose American culture and way of life everywhere. The champions of America-led globalization have declared this in most candid terms. Let us give just two examples. First, Dr. Henry Kissinger, a former Secretary of State, in the course of a lecture at the Trinity College in Dublin on 12 October 1999, said:
“The basic challenge is that what is called ‘globalization’ is really another name for the dominant role of the United States. During the past decade, the United States has created unprecedented wealth, broadened and deepened the availability of capital; funded the creation, development and broad distribution of a wide variety of new technologies, created markets for an endless array of goods and services… in economic terms it can get no better: full employment, rising real wages, increasing productivity, low inflation, increasing wealth and nonstop growth. … For America, these are the good old days… “Success of this magnitude inevitably inspires imitation….” (http://www.stateofnature.org/globalizationAndCulture.htm)

Michael Hughes and Kloehler (2005), define culture as the social heritage of a people those learned patterns for thinking, feeling, and acting that are transmitted from one generation to the next, including the embodiment of patter in material items that include both non material culture in thus include abstract creation like values, beliefs, symbols norms, customs and institution arrangement. While material culture that includes physical object like stone axes, computer, painting, hair style and many others.
Macionis J. J. and Plummer K. (2008), defined culture as design for living: the values, beliefs, behavior, practices and material object that constitute a peoples way of life.
Schaefer R. T. (2008), define culture a totality of learned, socially transmitted customs, Knowledge, material object, and behavior. It includes the ideas, values, artifact of group of people, and customs.
Generally, Culture defines as the way of life for a society includes; beliefs, values, knowledge, art, morals, laws, customs, habits, language, and dress.
Capitalism defined as an economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately or corporately owned and development is proportionate to the accumulation and reinvestment of profits gained in a free market,
Capitalism is a philosophy of economic systems that is generally considered to favor private ownership of the means of production, creation of goods or services for profit or income by individuals or corporations, competitive markets, voluntary exchange, wage labor, capital accumulation, and personal finance,
Capitalism is an economic system in which all or most of the means of production and distribution, as land, factories, railroads, etc., are privately owned and operated for profit, originally under fully competitive conditions: it has been generally characterized by a tendency toward concentration of wealth, and, in its later phase, by the growth of great corporations, increased government control.

Capitalism is a system of economy based on free enterprise with minimum interference by government; an economic system in which the bulk of the means of production (example,the production facilities and the capital) and the means of distribution (marketing facilities and systems) of goods and services are privately owned and operated; or a system of economic activity whereby the individual uses his talents and/or capital for the purposes of earning a profit. The paraphrase one economist, it is a system of incentive and work for profit; a system of "two cows and one bull," not the other way around." (Raymond, Walter. J. Dictionary of Politics: Selected American and Foreign Political and Legal Terms, Brunswick Publishing (2002), p. 71).
Therefore, Capitalism means an economic system in which capital (the goods or wealth used to produce other goods for profit) is privately owned and profit is reinvested so as to accumulate capital. The dynamics of the economic exchange in capitalism are unique. In a barter system of economic activity a producer may grow a pound of potatoes and barter them for an equivalent amount of honey produced by someone else. In this exchange the goods bartered are of roughly equal value. In capitalism, however, a person uses capital to produce goods and then sells those goods for cash. The amount of cash received is greater than the value of the good produced such that a profit is created allowing for reinvestment in the capital stock and to support the owner and producers.
Capitalized society are the society which under capitalism whereby all means of production under private ownership; these country include western countries; Germany, United Kingdom (British), and France, and also United States of America (USA). This country played a great role in spreading capitalism until today and all under capitalism ideological.
The following is how capitalized societies utilize culture as ideological machination for underpinnings their hegemony:-
Language. Language as culture and as a medium of communication among the people in the society. Before colonization begin in African continent, each tribe had their own languages and that language used also during activities like trade including during Long distance trade in East Africa under Kiswahili Language. After the coming of capitalist in Africa they introduced their language including English language, Italian, and French. All this language exists until today. This language introduced to us not for benefit of African countries but for the benefit of Capitalized society. This language including English language is used as a language of communication on trading activities all over the world. For example, now days we have Free trade, but the language which are insisted much to be used is English language so as to facilitate better communication between trader and customers so as to reach their goals,
Religious. Religious as a value and believe whereby peoples support values they think as important. In the world we have so many religious but the largest and famous all over the world are Islamic and Christianity. Before capitalist colonize Africa continent, Africa had a lot of religious but believed on carves, large Tree and oracles. But after the coming of white people introduced Christianity and Islamic as a Religion of true God, who believed on Bible and Koran. The aim of passing these values was to soften African people to follow and accept white people in Africa which helped them to increase capitalism ideas all over Africa. Therefore, the success of capitalized society to introduce religious helped them to colonize easily African content so as to rise capitalism as a result capitalism use religious until today so as to continue exploiting Africa. Also religious now days as seen as a source of capital through sacrifice introduced by member of churches including those protestant. All this done because of protecting capitalism interest but not for benefit of African continent as whole, (http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/culture).
Education. Capitalized society introduced education in Africa for their interest. Kind of education introduced by capitalist was formal education and followed European syllabus. The aim of this education was not for benefit of African societies but for the interest of capitalized societies. This education helped them to get enough workers who done in capitalist companies and farms. Some African had assistant on those capitalized companies so as to make sure that exploitation are done properly for the interest capitalist. These educations still exist today but also affected by European syllabus, aiming to help capitalist society. For Example, in Tanzania we have International Schools which uses Outside syllabus, this prove that capitalized society continue to exploit Africa even today after 50 year of Independence where by the price of these schools like St. Mary’s is from 1,000,000/= Tanzania shillings and above. When capitalist invest on education continue to exploit Africa rather than defending their African interest. 
Trade and system exchange. Before the coming of capitalism, African societies had their own system of exchange which is batter system. But After the coming capitalized society they introduced money as a medium of exchange through free trade whereby any countries have a power to trade with other counties. Because many of African countries have fewer capitals to trade with industrialized or capitalized society, always they depend to receive goods from capitalized societies including United States of America as a result backwards development in African. Also due to existence of Free Trade in Africa, welcoming privatization which continue exploit Africa until today, Nazreen Bacchus, 2005) .For example, Mwanahalisi News paper No.290, Wednesday, 18-24, 2011 under title “Uhalali serikari ya JK ni wa kura tu?”, reported that our government loss income whereby obsolution/ forgiveness/ pardon of rent become 18% of all income collected per year that estimated to be 1.02 trillion as a same as 1,016,320,300,00/= Tsh. This proving how capitalized society utilizing culture for benefit of capitalized society not for Africa or developing countries.
Medical treatment. Before the coming of capitalized society in Africa, we had a system of treatment such as tree roots. But after the coming of white people or capitalized society they introduced new system of medical treatment which is modern treatment. Due to this, capitalized society built health centers like Hospitals which private and the cost of treatment in this hospital is large compared to government hospitals. Also, these capitalist introduced companies dealing with making medicine like Shelly in Kenya and Tanzania. These medicines are sold to hospitals which help them to expand their capital day to day.
Sports and Games. Previous time before expand capitalism in Africa had their own games and sports such as playing drummer. This is quit different in current days where football, draft, pool table, voluble, and basketball are dominating all over the world. Various sports and games being conducted in order to favors capitalized society. Through sport and games capitalist companies’ benefited direct and indirect through sponsorship of terms or games. When they sponsor a certain games they announce they business outside and within the county. For example Coca-Cola sponsors Big Brother House of South Africa which leads to expand a company because of advertisement. Also through “World Cup” and EUFER, CHALLENGE champion league,  companies like DSTV company and Television and Super sport Company and Television expand their capital because they selling  DSTV vouchers which help people to watch live these league.
Fashion show and Wearing style. Capitalized society continuing to design various types of clothes. This kind of clothes such as modals kind of clothes, being announcing in various part of the world trough Television, internet, Newspaper and Magazine, aiming to attract people to like that kind of clothes. These clothes are from industries being dominated by capitalist and their main purpose are to expand their capitals so as to be most powerful in the world and continue to exit by dominating trade market all over the world. So, this show that, their aim of designing models types of clothes which are Western culture is not to favor African country or developing countries but to make sure exploitation still continue day to day, and that exploitation make them survival.
Selection of beauty and handsome. The capitalist society designed selection of duty ladies and handsome boy aiming on advertising their trading so as to increase market. For Example in Tanzania through Miss Tanzania, and Tourism Miss competition, help to expand Vodacom companies and business of tourism all over the world. So, this is not our culture, it is capitalist culture where by basing on profit oriented only.
Even though capitalized society benefit through these culture, on the other hand there have a negative effect to African and other developing countries including Tanzania. These effects are following:-
Introduction of western Liberal democracy. This does not just work in Africa. It is not that, Africa did not its own pattern of democracy before imposition of liberal democracy but the typical democracy in Africa and its processes were submerged by westernization. As insisted by Mimiko, (2010:640). The previous method was through inheritance but this new type lead to conflict among African themselves; Examples are in Zimbabwe (2008), Kenya (2008-2009) where leaders fight themselves so as to take position of leadership that’s why William Lutho and his fellow are in case ICC court.
Neo-liberalism. It is an economic process that destructs the state as factor in development; it is 19th century philosophy that has continued to repackaged, its latest form in monetarism. It believes that market mechanism is the most efficient allocator of productive resources and, therefore, to have efficient and effective economy, force of demand and supply must be allowed to play a leading role. This changed economy of Africa from communalism to capitalism and, lately, neo-liberalism. But this situation created dependant of African countries to western countries because these capitalized society control value of money of African countries including Tanzania, poor budgetary allocate (large percent depend from abroad), and poor market of crops, poor implementations of police because depend much from abroad or these capitalized society, (http://www.onlineresearchijournal.com/aajoss/art/53.pdf).  
Destruction of Extended family or social relation. Extended family giving way to nuclear family. Traditional African extended family, values breaking down very rapidly day to day. Extended family that was wonderful instrument like social verve, social security in our community has giving a way to nuclear family. Little wonder that, there is no more respect for age; no more respect for values that we held sacrosanct in Africa; younger ones now find it very difficult to great elderly one.
Individualism. We now we have children of single parents, a phenomenon that is identifiable with America. People no longer communalize, no body wants to be anybody’s brothers’ keeper. These continue to happen in Africa where we see it a system of living in urban areas. For now it is difficulties for African people to help some one who have a problem; but every individual stand he/ she individually which is quit different on previous time before expanding ideas of capitalism in Africa.
Corruption. Western culture has promoted corruption in Africa; leaders in Africa now look up to Europe and America as safe havens for looted fund. Corruptions in Africa become serious problems in moral, economic, and cultural. This is due to globalization created by capitalism whereby African leaders allows to involve on trading activities which is different in previous time where our country had under socialism. Corruption in Africa is very wide spread in Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, Uganda and Tanzania, (http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/30/178.htm). For example Professor Twesigye quoted the former Nigerian president Obasanjo when he was on cofference with Kenya and Uganda claimed that, “more than 200 bellion dollars had been stolen by the officials and hidden in foregn banks”.
Decline of local language in Africa. Proficiency in our language is declining in Africa because we are compelled to embrace western language; western language has created a dichotomy between an elite and mass of our people who still can not do business with foreign language. It causes alienations for people who can not speak English and French; that make Africa in serious problem. For example, Professor Babafunwa project on local language as basic tools of teaching in Nigeria was aborted because of the nature of our country. We must define and design means of helping Africa out of this language, cultural logjam, (Dare Arowolo, 2010).
The capitalized society utilize culture so as to expand their interest but not for the interest of developing countries including Tanzania. We as Africans, we need to see what are the negative impact of these culture from capitalized society. By doing that, we will be able to find alternative means of solving some problem associating with that culture. For example decline of local language can be done through being as a medium of instruction and should be used all levels in our school.     



Macionis, J. J. and Plummer, K. (2008), Sociology “A Global Introduction”, 4th Edition,
          London, Pearson Education Limited.
Schaefer, R. T. (2008), sociology Matters, 3rd Edition, New York, McGraw Hill Pub.

Michael Hughes and Kroehler, J. C. (2005), Sociology the core, 7th Edition, New York,
         Mc Graw Hill pub.



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