Monday, April 14, 2014

Causes that force individual to enter in involuntary Re-socialization

Involuntary re-socialization is a type of socialization whereby a person become socialized not for voluntary or person willing. The word Re-socialization means a process of identity transformation in which people are called upon to learn new roles, while unlearning some aspects of their old ones. The need to learn new roles may result from voluntary or involuntary changes in status (Ritzer, 2007).

This process often requires an unlearning of internalized norms, values, beliefs, and practices, to be replaced by a new set which is considered appropriate to the new role. Re-socialization most often occurs when an individual is called upon to adopt a new specialized status, often in adulthood. Often re-socialization occurs when there is an explicit effort to transform an individual, as happens in reform schools, therapy group, prisons, religious conversion settings, and political indoctrination camps (Schaefer, 2007).

Thus it is sometimes referred to as adult socialization. Examples include joining the military or a religious order; training to become a doctor, lawyer, or police officer; becoming a prisoner; or being hospitalized for mental illness.

Socialization is the process whereby people acquire personality and learn the way of life of their society. Essentially, one has to learn Culture. Learning culture encompasses all the truths, values, rules, and goals that people share with one another (Charon, 1987:63-69).

Socialization is the process by which children and adults learn from others; this socialization can be planned socialization, or natural socialization (

Re-socialization is the process by which existing social roles are radically altered or replaced. Roles such as spouse, parent, widow, prison inmate, and employee, for example, all involve a kind of re-socialization (

Re-socialization refers to the process of discarding former behavior patterns and accepting new ones as part of a transition in one's life and it occurs throughout the human life cycle (Schaefer & Lamm, 1992: 113).

Generally, Re-socialization is a form of rehabilitation whereby you take someone out of their comfort zone, or someone who is perceived to not have been socialized properly, and you socialize them, you teach them how to speak properly, eat properly, proper social interaction, and so on.

Involuntary re-socialization is a type of re-socialization occurs when someone is forced to change whereby total institutions re-socialize by regulating all aspects of a person’s life for example prisons, military, residential schools (Schaefer, 2007).

Generally, Involuntary Re-socialization occurs within a total institution under the control of officials in isolated conditions and it is against a person’s wishes and are stripped of their former selves and depersonalized and made to adopt a new set of behaviors; Prisons, military boot camps, concentration camps, and some mental hospitals (http://hrsbstaff.ednet).

The following are the causes that force individual to enter in involuntary Re-socialization:-
An individual to be involuntary re-socialization is caused by various factors which is involuntary which means not for willingness of a person. The agents of involuntary re-socialization are Prisons, military boot camps, concentration camps, and some mental hospitals like Milembe in Dodoma. Therefore, the following are the causes that force individual to enter in involuntary Re-socialization:-   

Divorce and separation, Divorce and separation of the parents cause children lack where to live and lack proper socialization. Separation like the death of parents left children with no assistance hence they being sent into special centers like Kuleana in Mwanza, Iwambi Rehabilitation center in Mbeya and other related centers for purpose of re-socialization of the children hence they enter into involuntary re-socialization. Also in the side of divorce children face a problem where to live because every side they go they face with the challenge of step parent hence children socialization lost and become as street children, as a result the possibility to become in involuntary re-socialization is very high through sending them in a special center for child care. 

Political instability, When a country passing in political instability like civil war, opposing group which is Labels attack other people to join into their military side where they being re-socialize to behave and to act as opposing group. Because of that they inter in conflict with government where some of them into police hands and become jailed in prison where people become in involuntary re-socialization.

Diseases specifically Mental illness, Some people especially who have the problem of mental illness they being centered in the special centers so as to treat them to be as normal people in the society. Those who succeed to become mentally fit (become normal people) they being re-socialize in special centers so as to feel as other people within the society and re-socialize them to behave as other normal people hence they become in involuntary re-socialization. 

Un-proper socialization, Proper socialization of children especially primary socialization under the family helps a child to behave in a good way, but when the family responsibility rejected to a child which is improper socialization a child grow up with kind of behavior which is not acceptable within the society hence it become easy for him or her to commit crime hence he/she can be jailed or sentenced in prison where into in involuntary re-socialization. For example, this is common happen to those people who practice authoritative parenting system where child is free to decide what to do, and at what time; either bad things or good things with no rewards hence child grow up with those behavior; acceptable and not acceptable as a result become into a special centers like Ilambo Approved School after committing crime.

Poverty, a state of a person not being able to acquire daily human needs such as food, clothes, and shelter may cause a person to engage in criminal offence like robbery, gangs group, thief, prostitution, and attack group so as to satisfy basic needs hence a person end with sent to jail or prison where she/ he can be re-socialized. For example, girls and women under absolute poverty are more likely to engage in prostitution as a business as happen in Makoroboi in Mwanza, and Sudan Temeke in Dar es Salaam so as to satisfy their daily needs such as food, clothes and shelter for them and their children hence because of illegal business they captured and jail where they become in involuntary re-socialization.

Crimes, this is another causes of people to enter into the involuntary re-socialization whereby the commitment of crimes in society for instance robbers, drug uses and sell as well as prostitution all these can lead to the some people to undergo re-socialization by being sent to the court where they can be imprisoned also they can be regarded as to enter into the involuntary re-socialization by being re-socialized differently.

Human trafficking, human business from one place to another for instance one country to another which can be caused by several factors people may enter into the involuntary re-socialization for example due to the economic hardship in Ethiopia and Somalia lead to most of the Ethiopian and Somalian people to be transported from their mother land to other countries such as South Africa for the purpose of enhancing their life therefore due to that action they are mostly caught in Tanzania where they are to be jailed hence they become into involuntary re-socialization.

Globalization, the situation of the world to become as a single village with high influence of science and technology which is mostly characterized by communication system including domination of harmful website and television lead most of the young children to copy and pest those things they access into practice in their daily life including using of guns against other children, bad dressing style, raping, and stealing as a result they enter into the involuntary re-socialization specifically in Approved Schools.

Generally re-socialization process is very important in the society simply because it help to control people’s behaving in a good manner or being as non conformists but also re-socialization can be termed as increasing immoral behaviors in the society for instance when children are re-socialized through globalization especially internet and television accessing may adapt illegal behaviors which are regarded as juvenile offences such as crimes and sexual behaviors. Therefore re-socialization should be implemented in a positive way so as to have a good society with its members who have being civilized.

Charon, (1987:63-69) Socialization and Development Mc Graw Hill
Ritzer, ( 2007) Sociological context “A brief introduction” Sixth Edition, Mc Graw Hill.
Schaefa Richard T. (200f) Sociology “A brief introduction” seventh edition, Mc Graw Hill
Schaefer Richard T. (2004) Sociology Matters, Mc Graw Hill
Retrieved on 15th of December from

Retrieved on 15th of December

Written By AUSI CHIWAMBO (2014)-Teofilo Kisanji University

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